What will the impact be to the surrounding area?

Chapelton’s scale will inevitably alter the setting even though it sits within the site boundary. However, the topographical variation on the site demonstrates that the area has the capacity to absorb the development without adversely affecting the wider landscape.

The masterplan deliberately leaves 40% of the land undeveloped. There will be large areas of green space which will include features such as pitches, parks and gardens, fields, woodlands, hedgerows, tree belts, moors and natural spaces. Views to the slopes at the south will remain mostly unchanged. In addition, mature trees and woodlands will be maintained to retain a natural skyline. A new settlement of the scale proposed will inevitably alter the locale even though it sits within the site boundary. However, Chapelton does largely lie within a natural ‘bowl’, which means the area has the capacity to absorb the development without adversely affecting the wider landscape.