Meet Snowdrop’s Sales Advisor, Helen Leask

Snowdrop Developments began construction in Chapelton in November 2020. Its first phase is a series of 16 luxury bespoke properties along the outskirts of the town and the second phase, which comprises 5 large plots with designs inspired by steadings, is currently underway at Brooke Lane North.

Helen Leask is Snowdrop’s Sales Advisor and is based at the award-winning showhome on Greenlaw Road.  In this blog we get to know Helen and find out more about what makes her passionate about working for Snowdrop Developments within Chapelton.

Untitled-design-1-1024x737 Meet Snowdrop’s Sales Advisor, Helen Leask

Hi Helen and welcome to Chapelton! 

Hello to everyone in Chapelton that I have already met and to those I will hopefully have the pleasure of meeting at some point, if or when they come to visit the beautiful Snowdrop Developments’ showhome!” 

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am originally from the Shetland Islands so I shall blame that on me being a chatterbox! I love meeting others and having a good old chinwag with people from varying walks of life and places. 

“I think building and construction runs through my veins as my amazing parents had their own building company; I was weaned on bricks and mortar! My Dad is a master craftsman in a few different fields, even making the most beautiful musical instruments, so expectation and perfection of a finished product was a very big priority – Snowdrop fits that bill.

“I studied interior design at college many moons ago and while I was bringing up my family, although I had many different types of work, I would always come alive and get excited when working with anything to do with property. Whether that’s structural renovation, building, interior design or decorating and soft furnishings, that makes me happy! I love when clients come in to look at choices for their new home and I’m delighted if I can help as I feel so excited for them.

“It’s very encouraging that there is a home in Chapelton that’s suitable for everyone, even if we always hope they will choose a Snowdrop home.” 

What can people expect when they visit the Snowdrop showhome?

I am so proud to welcome people into the showhome and answer their questions about Snowdrop homes. The particular house style of the showhome is called the MacAllan and has just been voted ‘Best Large Family Home in Scotland’ by the Scottish Herald, an award that the Snowdrop team is so very proud of.

“The beautiful furnishings in the showhome are by Annie Mo’s of Aberdeen. Anyone who would like to just view the furnishings is more than welcome and also receives a voucher which can be used for 15% discount at Annie Mo’s.

“I’m very excited that we will be hosting Annie Mo’s Christmas Fair at the showhome on the weekend of 11th November, everyone is welcome.” 

Snowdrop-showhome-4-1024x770 Meet Snowdrop’s Sales Advisor, Helen Leask

What makes a Snowdrop Developments’ home unique?

We are different from most builders as we only commence the build once the plot has been chosen by the client. This gives the client the chance to make their home bespoke and tailored to suit their individual needs. Once all this has been established, the timescale for the build is normally six to eight months. Each property is finished to a very high standard and our ‘standard finish’ is of upgraded quality.”

Snowdrop-Showhome-2-1024x770 Meet Snowdrop’s Sales Advisor, Helen Leask

What do you like most about working in Chapelton?

I am so blown away with what a lovely place this is. Chapelton has such a vibrant, warm and upbeat feeling, it is no wonder everyone I have asked loves living here.

“Passing this on to any new clients gives me a great feeling. There are so many varied activities and events that take place here in Chapelton and it’s great to talk to people about the Farmers’ Markets, Scarecrow Festival, the Chapelton 10k, the Bike Ride and so on, as well as the many different walking areas, cafes, and the unique shopping area at The Boxes at Chapelton.

“I am so looking forward to meeting more Chapelton residents and new clients, I just love to tell people all about these beautiful Snowdrop homes.”

What do you do in your spare time?

This is a great place for activities, even the local yoga instructor has been in to say hello. I have tried yoga but my hobbies are mainly walking, cycling and swimming. However, just now I have been doing projects for people including upholstery, soft furnishing, up-cycling & decorating, which I love, especially if it’s something a bit different.

“My favourite thing is spending time with my family and grandkids – being silly, playing with them and letting my overactive imagination run wild!” 

Snowdrop-Showhome-7 Meet Snowdrop’s Sales Advisor, Helen Leask

For more information on Snowdrop Developments and the MacAllan showhome, visit its website.